The Aryan Brotherhood's Guide to The Lemurian Race

6 months ago

This episode of Gas Punk Fiction is a video guide explaining the Lemurian Race (Hector Kwon's species) and their biology, traits, and abilities (from the Nazis point of view). All while Hector is being experimented on and raped by the Nazis, days before Hector Kwon's blood drenched escape from Camp Natzweiler-Struthof and murdering his rapists on August 2, 1940 (Episode 1: Operation Colorvision).

Cast (In Order of Appearance):
Dick Ináfúpá as Viktor Vön Hades
Cahjli Symes as Hector Kwon
Punanni Cummings as Jeb Spookgöre
Rãfel Mönserrate Dël Rattà as Adolf Hitler
David Aarön Arellanö Rivera-Iscia as Heinrich Himmler

Guest Starring:
Jah Mali as Marcus Garvey

Music Tracklist:

1. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See by by Busta Rhymes

2. When We Ride by Tupac + The Outlaw Immortalz

3. Ganz Wien by David Loca featuring Geneva Jacuzzi

4.reflections [Sea of love reflections] by t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者

5. Yami Bolo by Vybz Kartel

6. Debt Collector by Provoker

Based on the most controversial comic book series of all time: (Gas Punk Fiction).

Link to The First Comic Book To Ever Be Banned on Amazon as of December 19th, 2024 (Gas Punk Fiction #2: Operation KINGSLAYER):

The most controversial comic book events since The Death of Superman: Available Now for just 2.99!
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