DebConf24 - DebConf 101

7 months ago

Speakers: Tássia Camões Araújo & Thaís Rebouças

Track: Introduction to Free Software & Debian

Type: Long talk (45 minutes)

Room: Bada

Time: Jul 28 (Sun): 11:00

Duration: 0:45

This is aimed to be an ice-breaker session and introduction to the DebConf culture. Especially put together for newcomers to DebConf, but will (hopefully) make longterm participants laugh and enjoy good memories of the old days when they were the newbies. For first-timers, this should be a good opportunity to get to know a few faces, and for the oldies, come and share what you wish you had known before your first DebConf that no one told you!


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