Did Islam destroy or save western civilization?

6 months ago

Dr. Roy Casagranda, pushes back against the artificial East-West paradigm and show how the so-called "Dark Ages" was in fact a period with enormous intellectual achievement. After laying out the contradictions within the construct of the paradigm of western civilization, Dr. Casagranda examines how Muslim Persian, and Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Arab philosophers preserved and advanced Western civilization while Europe wallowed in the Medieval era ,
Did Islam destroy or save western civilization?, Islamic 🕌📝 contribution to world science and the renaissance , 1001 inventions and the library of secrets, 1001 inventions , pioneers in science and wisdom, Arabia, Who saved western civilization from total collapse?, lecture, history, truth, christianity , islam, golden age, dark age, renaissance , art, inventions, science, politics, ethics , war, prosperity, fall of Rome, plague, famine, economy, medicine, trade, Arabic, Latin , Phoenicien , Omar Samson, Free Humanity, scholars, schools , genius inventors, methematics, pharmakia, al kemhia , alchemy, numbers, numerology, theology, Al Jazari ,The Father Of Robotics , Grand Engineer , Golden Age, mathematics, automata , robotics, engineer, inventor , thinker , scientist, ground breaking work , Arabic, Islamic, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, al ghul, al gebra , al gorithm ,al phabet

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