Episode 2392: The Power of Humble Prayer - Morning Episode

1 month ago

We will draw insights from the wisdom of St. Gianna Molla, Rev. Cajetan da Bergamo, and the Gospel of Matthew. How do these teachings guide us in our daily lives, especially in our journey of faith? Join us as we delve into the essential condition for fruitful action: the stillness of prayer, and the indispensable virtue of humility.
The Stillness of Prayer
St. Gianna Molla reminds us, "The stillness of prayer is the most essential condition for fruitful action. Before all else, the disciple kneels down." In our fast-paced world, we often overlook the power of stillness and the importance of taking time to be in the presence of God. From a traditional Catholic perspective, this stillness is not mere inactivity but a profound receptivity to God's grace.
Prayer is the foundation of all our actions. It is in the quiet moments of prayer that we align our will with God’s and draw strength for our daily tasks. Just as Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to pray, we too must prioritize our time with God, recognizing that all fruitful actions stem from this essential practice.
Humility and Thanksgiving
Rev. Cajetan da Bergamo provides a deep insight into the virtue of humility: ""The true reason for which God bestows so many graces upon the humble is this, that the humble are faithful to these graces and make good use of them. They receive them from God and use them in a manner pleasing to God, giving all the glory to Him, without reserving any for themselves. ... It is certainly true that he who is humble is also faithful to God, because the humble man is also just in giving to all their due, and above all, in rendering to God the things that are God's; that is, in giving Him the glory for all the good that he is, all the good that he has and for all the good that he does; as the Venerable Bede says: 'Whatever good we see in ourselves, let us ascribe it to God and not to ourselves.' To give thanks to God for all the blessings we have received and are continually receiving is an excellent means of exercising humility, because by thanksgiving we learn to acknowledge the Supreme Giver of every good. And for this reason it is necessary for us always to be humble before God. St. Paul exhorts us to render thanks for all things and at all times: 'In all things give thanks.' (1 Thess. 5:18). 'Giving thanks always for all things.' (Eph. 5:20). But that our thanksgiving may be an act of humility it must not only come from the lips but from the heart, with a firm conviction that all good comes to us through the infinite mercy of God." —Rev. Cajetan da Bergamo"
Humility involves recognizing our total dependence on God and giving Him all the glory for the good in our lives.
In our journey of faith, humility is crucial. It allows us to be open to God's graces and to use them in ways that please Him. Humility also teaches us to be grateful, acknowledging that every good thing comes from God. St. Paul exhorts us to "give thanks always for all things" (Ephesians 5:20), emphasizing that true thanksgiving is an act of humility that must come from the heart.

The Measure of Judgment
The Gospel of Matthew warns us: "Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you" (Matthew 7:1-2). This teaching calls us to practice humility in our interactions with others.
Judgment often stems from pride, a belief that we are better or holier than others. True humility, however, requires that we recognize our own faults and approach others with compassion and understanding. By refraining from judgment, we allow God to be the ultimate judge and focus instead on our own growth in holiness.
Practical Steps for Humble Prayer and Thanksgiving
To live out these teachings, consider the following steps:
Establish a Daily Prayer Routine: Set aside time each day for quiet prayer. Begin with thanksgiving, acknowledging all the good in your life as gifts from God.
Practice Humility: Regularly examine your conscience and ask for the grace to see yourself as God sees you. Remember to give glory to God for any good you accomplish.
Avoid Judging Others: Focus on your own spiritual growth and refrain from making judgments about others. Approach everyone with the love and compassion of Christ.
Cultivate a Heart of Gratitude: Make it a habit to thank God throughout the day for His blessings. Let your thanksgiving be heartfelt and sincere, recognizing God's infinite mercy.
As we conclude today’s episode, let us reflect on the wisdom of St. Gianna Molla, Rev. Cajetan da Bergamo, and the Gospel of Matthew. The stillness of prayer is the bedrock of fruitful action, and humility is the key to receiving and using God’s graces. By cultivating a humble heart and practicing sincere thanksgiving, we can live a life that glorifies God and aligns our will with His.
May we all strive to kneel before God in stillness, approach life with humility, and give thanks always. Thank you for joining us today. Until next time, may God bless you and keep you in His grace.

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