Clif High - Smackeraled normies! Watch out for the splash out!

2 months ago

Aether Pirates of the Matterium!

Hello humans, hello humans. It's August 5, 7.44 a.m. on the Pacific Coast. I've been getting up early for other reasons, but I initiate some levels of the transfer or processing at that time when I get up and then go and bumble through my morning kind of thing.
Some of the processing has kicked out some results that are indicating to me that we may be approaching a threshold relative to how the deep state reacts to things. So we're getting close in terms of the tension inbuilt into the language, and it's basically following this kind of a trend. It's one thing, okay,
so the shortest level of duration of impact from emotional underpinning changes in language hits us in the quick acting, so to speak, language. Slang, things of the moment, that's sort of a deal, right? Hyperbole, histrionics, these kinds of things. They flare up and then they drop down linguistically.
It's very rare to see high emotional content moving into long-term language. And this is extremely rare and produces such things as well, like the U.S. Constitution. There's a lot of emotional language in the construction of that, right? Declaration of Independence, more so. A lot of long-term emotionally... Also, a lot of long-term language, a lot of future-focused language,
and a lot of emotional language all in the same context really is very rare. When you think about it, most of our long-term affecting language comes down to legal stuff or officialdom issues. stuff, right, in one way or another. And this is even true of things like the Bible,
because the Bible has been worked over by officialdom at least eight times, once really thoroughly. And so the nature of all the language in it has been totally altered. And thus, a lot of the emotional components of that book have been removed just in the process of being edited, so to speak, right? Anyway,
so getting back to the point, it's very rare to see high emotional values associated with long-term language. Usually long-term language focuses in on what might be considered to be legalistic or formalistic forms of expression. And these may have a big emotional component, but it will be spread out usually in the expected duration of the language,
which is years, decades, centuries kind of thing. So getting the combination of high emotional tension values with the content that is focused on long term is very rare. And I've got some of that coming out now. The nature of what's involved is focused on...
or has a big component, maybe a third, 40%, something like that, focused on financials. I'm doing that as a guesstimate, based off of scrolling data sets as it's being processed. So when I do the processing, I just routinely have it throw shit on the screen, indicating where it's at in the processing so I can get some clue
Just by glancing at it, right? Also as an indicator, if it breaks down and it stops, you know, stops scrolling stuff on the screen, well, I've got to go fix something, right? Anyway, so as I say, it looks to be about 40%. of the information as related to financial and fiscal.
But here's the point that I wanted to make. The sets that are being processed now are have been extracted from the dump to the servers. And one of the sets that's indicated here—hang on a second, dog's burbling. There's a beach dog to bark at. Anyway, it's related to financial, and these are—
from a deep state kind of a perspective, from a corporatist kind of a perspective, right? And so what I wanted to suggest was that we're close to a threshold where the deep state, the Biden regime, the Wafonians, the Elohim worship cult, all of these guys are going to be under such stress that we can anticipate,
in my opinion, And that opinion is reinforced by getting close to a particular level of a threshold within building tension for this subset alone. But we're getting... close to them making serious errors as a result of the circumstances producing the level of tension that they're under that they don't have any real outlet for.
They can't really express that tension. They can't really discuss it and so on. It is still leaking out in the language all around them. And everybody in the woo side of things is discussing some aspect of it out in the open, you know. So this brings further tension on them.
They can easily discover what they can avoid speaking about, but that is now becoming more and more obviously associated with damn near everything, right? So you can't bring up, The electric car is without bringing up climate change and the Wefonians and all of that hoax, etc., etc. So it's also interrelated that there's this cascade, this tumble,
tumble over effect that is occurring within language all over the place. This effect, in my opinion, is pushing the deep state into a corner that they're going to have to, so you have to understand from my understanding of the deep state's perspective in a contention analysis viewpoint, right?
So analyzing the contention between the deep state and their goal of uh loxism of you know zionist supremacy and ruling the whole planet and reducing the population down and everybody is slaves that's their goal and in the contention with the rest of us who don't want them to have that goal be successful but we
really don't give a rat's ass about them if if this goal is removed you know we don't give a shit what they do um in a general sense, as long as they're not being evil bastards, right? So, so there's this, um, uh, very definitely a contention dichotomy, uh, that, that is evident.
And from the viewpoint of the deep state, their past experience has always led them to escalation as a subset of the mechanism of control that they exercise through the media. In other words, uh, It's not going to do them much good to go back to a previous level of crises in
terms of trying to gen up an emotional level of tension in society. a social context of uncertainty from which they are able to lever things. So their basic level of functioning is that they get the populace in both an emotionally unstable condition and they raise the tension
the emotional tension within the general public and within the language of the general public. And because we're unsettled and agitated at the same time, they're able to sort of lever us in a judo style fashion into the solution that they want to proffer and the position and mindset and paradigm that they're putting forth.
Okay, so that's very much the situation. It's very much like encountering sophisticated mental judo. But if you're stable... and you're calm, so you're mentally stable, you're not unbalanced, and you're calm, so your building tension levels are very low, and you're able to observe what's going on around you rather than participate in it, then you cannot be flipped,
not as easily, by the tactics that the deep state is using here, if that makes any sense, right? I really do think of this particular kind of cywar contention as being very much like the leverage of a judo throw and a takedown where you leverage your opponent's weight, momentum speed, etc.
against them and that's what's been done to us relative to language and emotional states within the general population now the situation is thus the We have the unsettled nature of everything going on, the war, all of this kind of shit, Iran, Israel, Ukraine, you know, Biden, Harris, the hoe, and the...
And now we have the building tension of the economic collapse that's like getting smack rolled, you know, getting hit in the face by a mackerel. It's cold. It's wet. It hurts. It leaves scaly bits and slime everywhere. And you don't know what the hell is going on. And it slaps you to a particular level of emotional tension.
And that's what's happening now. But unfortunately for them, for the deep state, the level of escalation that they've got available to them when we've got nuclear war on the horizon in the sense of World War III with, you know, all of the Middle East, Israeli and all of that kind of shit,
and then all of the major powers moving there. vessels all around and getting everything theoretically ready for a great confrontation. This including North Korea aiming missile batteries at South Korea that are capable of handling nukes, etc. All this kind of thing happening not only raises the tension and the level of
unsettledness so that the populations are rocking back and forth, as is it designed, but It's happening at a point where we're not doing it on Jewish holidays. So that's the very first thing you can determine is that it's not on any of the Jewish holiday schedules.
So it's actually more or less legit, more or less organic, more or less erupting out of circumstances rather than out of a plan even if there are plans involved they're now in my opinion no longer in control and and i think this is the situation with
the deep state given the nature of the changes in the language that the deep state is putting out especially in the long-term sets which as i say are very rare to have emotional loading changing um You know, legal language is just so static, exists for centuries, and they challenge it and debate about it and so on.
But it's never really fundamentally changed, unless you have like, you know, the communist revolution here in the US, that sort of thing, where they have to change in order to disrupt the stability, right? They've got to disrupt stability in order to do their judo throw on your mind via media and media.
get you to do things their way. And so the communist takeover attempt has run to a point where the deep state now is going to have to, again, escalate. That's all they know how to do. So in order to overcome the level of building tension now and the diversity of points of instability they must
escalate in order to still maintain control even though they some of them may be recognizing that their ability their grasp on on the levers of control are waning already are falling aside already so Just basically prepare yourselves. I don't know how far they'll escalate. I don't know what's on the other side.
The only thing I can postulate is that it might be time for them to play the alien card. Okay, just in order to be able to lever... a point of instability that they would still control because in a summer economic crash, you don't have a lot of those, right?
Unlike the ones that they engineer in October and so on. Um, so they may go that route. They would still control things. They could use their control over the alien issue because it's still more or less absolute, uh, But the problem is, once they escalate to that, there's nothing beyond that,
and they must maintain control at that level, or they are forever doomed, right? They've lost completely. In any event, though, but we're right at that edge in terms of building tension within the language, just seeing the flow of the sets and the processing so far. It's been running this morning since about 3, so I had about...
three solid hours to go and then look at some of the feed-out on-screen stuff. I haven't gone into the data and examined it in any detail at all. I've got this other stuff to do. Anyway, just thought to let you know that we're at that point,
and don't be surprised if you're going to start seeing more and more of the minimal level of attention that that mainstream media can get more and more of their verbiage now starting to be focused on extraterrestrials and in exo-politics kind of things. And, you know, those sorts of what we would use to consider science fiction language.
They have to shift the language and prepare you for the events by giving you the language in which they want you to discuss it. So watch the language change and you'll see the... the thing coming at you just like if you watch the water ripples will always
precede the bow wave always precedes the ship so that you'll always know it's coming if you've got your senses attuned anyway take care guys because it's going to be really bumpy from this point on really full of shocks for everybody and the normies as I say are going to get smack rolled
you know, big fish tail right across the face.


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