Pakistanis Crap on Beaches--Canadians Do Nothing!

7 months ago

Wasaga Beach is the world's biggest freshwater beach. It's located in the province of Ontario and has been a mainstay attraction for 100 years. However, because of multiculturalism, the filthiest and dirtiest human beings on the planet now reside in the province of Ontario and when they go to the beach, instead of enjoying the beach and building sand castles like normal human beings, they instead defecate all over the beach because they're too lazy to walk 75 yards to the bathroom.

This is what happens when you allow garbage into your country. Canadians have been saying for years how much they love multiculturalism and now that you're finally walking in the feces of other cultures, you're complaining about it and the police are telling you to be quiet about your complaints.

Why don't we pick up all that fecal matter and force feed it to every cop in the country who has a problem with us complaining about these filthy people?

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