The Carmela Show - The Aftermath of being CuredByCannabis Talk #40 "CARMELA A.K.A. GARDEN - Part 2"

7 months ago

Hello hello all you Beautiful SOULS!!!! Just letting you all know that I was LIVE, Saturday, August 3rd - 2024 @ 4:20pm MountainStonerTime lol - My Topic Of Conversation was " CARMELA A.K.A. GARDEN - Part 2 " My TALK #40
Please Feel Free to chime in the chat, say hi, ask me any questions you may have, anything! Love you all! Thank you all so much for the love and support, follows and shares!!!
Please also go back and watch through my other 39+ talks I've done already. You can also find them on on my CuredByCannabis rumble page and on FB.
Bill aka Darrell Fay - Cannabis Tincture on Facebook ( Brad's Burn pics - before and after using Bill's CBC Salve and Tincture!!!! #zerohigh #cannabistincture #sohappyandblessed
#growwiththeflow #gowiththeflow #loveyourself #divinefeminine #divinewoman #divinemother #observedontabsorb #princess&thepea #hashtagallme #cmwphoto #cmwproductions #moochithreads #aquarium #aquarimumservices #blessed #curedbycannabis #cured #healed #nopain #endometriosis #fibromyalgia #osteoarthritis #anxiety #ptsd #depressionawareness #medicationsideeffects #drugaddiction
#suicidalawareness #endometriosisawareness #fibromyalgiaawareness #organicmedicine #burnvictim #thirdegreeburn #BurnSurvivor

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