#72 A Fighters Mind - Alan Whitton

6 months ago

Alan Whitton runs Fighters Mind - A mental performance coaching business out of Essex in the UK. He works with Amateur and Pro Athletes and Fighters as well as his involvement with coaching Armed Forces and Emergency Services Personel.

Alan has a wealth of experience having represented England on the National Karate Squad as well as holding National Level Belts in Kick Boxing. He currently gets on the BJJ mats most days of the week and was recently awarded his Black Belt by Professor David Onuma.

We got into lots of subjects and Alan has a wealth of information, so if you want to improve your performance on the mats, in the ring or in any other aspect of your life then plug in your headphones and hit play!

Follow Alan @alittlerock on Insta
Alan Whitton of FaceBook and www.alanwhitton.co.uk
Follow the show @whitebasementpod

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