UK Grooming Gangs (see description)

5 months ago

UK Grooming Gangs. People need to understand the link between the Freemasons, the Vatican, and the Khazarian Mafia. The Khazarians are the FALSE Jews and they once lived in Khazaria (a land now mostly Ukraine). The Khazars then fled to Europe 80% became Ashkenazi, the remaining 20% went to North Africa as Sephardic FALSE Jews, who masqueraded as Muslims. It was these radical muslims (Sephardic Khazars) that then infiltrated Islam with the same satanic mindset as their Ashkenazi brethren. The Freemasons are linked to Zionism and Satanism, and Islam.

All the UK Courts are Talmudic Courts, run by the high-level demonic Freemasons.

Learn the truth.

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