Trillions of dollars on fake climate change

6 months ago

This is the story, of how an eccentric environmental scare, grew into a powerful global industry.

STEPHEN KOONIN - It's a wonderful business opportunity, okay ? You want climate, we'll give you climate !

TONY HELLER - There's a huge amount of money involved. This is a huge big money scam.

JOHN CLAUSER –There are not just now billions, but there are trillions of dollars at stake. It's a story of self-interest, and big government funding.

ROY SPENCER - People like me, our careers depend on funding of climate research. This is what I've been doing, just about my whole career. This is what the other climate researchers are doing with their whole career They don't want this to end.

MATTHEW WIELICKI - If CO2 isn't having the huge negative impacts that we claimed it was having originally. How are we going to stay in business ?

TONY HELLER - A lot of people's livelihoods depend on it. They're not gonna give that up. This is the story, of the corruption of science.

PATRICK MOORE - There's no such thing as a climate emergency, happening on this planet now. It's ... there's no, no evidence of one !

WILLIAM HAPPER - The climate alarm is nonsense you know. It's a hoax. I've never liked "hoax." I think "scam" is a better word, but i'm willing to live with "hoax." It's a story about the bullying and intimidation of anyone who dares to challenge the climate alarm.

MATTHEW WIELICKI - To speak up against or about climate change in any sort of skeptical way, was essentially career suicide.

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