The Hidden Power In Humans; Chakras and Kundalini - Part 22 (Yamsox Live Reading Aug 4th, 2024)

1 month ago

Exploring Shiva and Shakti: The Divine Union and Inner Transformation

Join us in this enlightening exploration of the profound relationship between Shiva and Shakti as we dive into the sacred teachings found within 'The Hidden Power In Humans; Chakras and Kundalini' by Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda. This video covers two poignant chapters that unravel the intricate dance of these divine forces and their union. Rooted in Sanatana Dharma, yet inclusive to all faiths, this discussion illuminates the path towards self-realization and the awakening of our inner potential. Discover the hidden truths about the energy centers within us and embark on a spiritual journey that promises deeper understanding and unity with our true self.

00:00:00 Understanding Shiva and Shakti
00:05:13 The Union of Shiva and Shakti

#Shiva #Shakti #DivineUnion #Spirituality #Kundalini #Chakras #SanatanaDharma #InnerTransformation #SelfRealization #EnergyCenters

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