Core Concepts Tanya: Chapter 36

6 months ago

Brief recap of Chapter 36:

1. Chapter 36 continues to build on the ideas introduced in Chapter 35, specifically, the G-dly soul is perfect, the animal soul/body soul isn't. Ergo, the purpose of creation is to perfect and better the animal soul/body. This chapter expands this idea to a cosmic level in teaching a profoundly fundamental fact, "G-d desired that there should be a dwelling for Him in this lower world." More specifically, the ENTIRE PURPOSE OF CREATION, all of it, every star, every leaf, every drop of dew, is so that we can fulfill Torah and Mitzvos in this physical world.

2. The difference between the "higher" worlds and "lower" worlds is not their location, nor is it indicative of where G-d can be found. Before creation all "empty space" was filled with G-d, after creation, all that space is still filled with G-d, it just appears in a different form to creation. G-d is equally found in all worlds, the difference between "Higher" and "Lower" is simply how revealed He is in that world. No world has total revelation, because then it wouldn't exist as a world or as a creation. These worlds and levels of revelation are a macrocosm of our microcosm. Our G-dly soul is like a "higher" world because it can sense greater revelation, and the purpose is to reveal G-d in the "lower" world, our body/animal soul.

3. "One does not create something significant to serve something insignificant." In other worlds, all the higher worlds, the angels, all spiritual creations, ALL of it was created for this lower, physical world. In many ways, they serve as architectural plans for a world with created beings, but those plans have no use without the actual thing they were meant to build, and that building is this world. EVERYTHING in creation is for this world, and this world is for the purpose of Torah and Mitzvos. Moreover, the revelation of G-dliness that occurs in this world is greater than the revelation of the Higher worlds. A light that follows darkness is a much greater light than an addition or increase of already existing light.

4. Considering how we can't handle too much revelation without ceasing to exist, how can we prepare ourselves for this revelation? Torah, called "might" and "strength," gives us strength to receive G-dly revelation without being overwhelmed. During the giving of the Torah on Har Sinai there was a G-dly revelation the people couldn't handle, so G-d had to revive them. At the same time, this revelation was a glimpse into Messianic times, when the whole world will be filled with the revelation of G-d's light.

5. Which is why, about the giving of the Torah, the verse says, "You (G-d) revealed Yourself, that we may know that G-d is the L-rd, this is nothing else beside Him."
Hashem showed us then the truth of existence, that nothing exists outside of Hashem, that there will come a time when the world will be so full of light there will be no place for darkness.
This light will be so great and bountiful, it will spread out to all the nations of the world, bringing about a world of total revelation, peace, goodness, and light.

And it begins with us, with each of us fulfilling the purpose of creation by doing one more mitzvah in this world.

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