2024 - 200 Million Plus Die

1 month ago

NO MATTER WHAT WILL COME, there is safety & salvation but ONLY in Jesus Christ. Yes Economic Collapse comes, riots, war, pestilence, famine it is ALL coming and the ONLY way to survive all this is to NOT be here, as in being Raptured. Right now the elite are running scared, selling all their stocks and heading to their underground bunkers. But their bunkers will not save them, only Jesus can save anyone from WHAT is to come. I have been given a multitude of dreams & visions about these coming days and there is NO good scenario, no one survives, not in America, I have seen the future and this is what I saw for America at www.TonyLamb.org

If the Holy Spirit puts it in your heart to help support this ministry (God's ministry), click the link below or write to: Tony Lamb, P.O. Box 41, Dardanelle, AR 72834

Click this link to support this ministry via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/TonyLambWatchman

For other giving options to this ministry see here: https://www.tonylamb.org/index104.html

If you are interested in my home built -12-volt Solar Panel Powered Room Cooler OR info on building a High-Performance Water Filter (one of the few water filters you can filter creek water & make it safe to drink, go to: https://www.tonylamb.org

THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU for your prayers, love & support of this Last Days ministry & for us: We mail out free books, KJV Bibles & CDs all FREE of charge to all who ask, we even mailed a KJV Bible to Saudi Arabia. (THANKS TO YOU). Because of your love & support of this Last Days ministry and with the help & direction of the Holy Spirit, we have mailed out over 11,000 WARNING letters & CDs titled THE WARNING all from our kitchen table to churches, pastors & Christian radio stations across America: . (https://www.bitchute.com/video/x5BHey9YyEUd/

If you need a packet of Bibles & books to place in hospital or doctor's office waiting rooms near you, Please email me your request, plus your name & address to: watchmensreport(at)gmail.com
If you need more, I will mail them right out to you. With the passage of HR 6090 we need to get as many KJV Bibles into the hands of the people as possible before they totally ban the KJV Bible.

I now have the KJV Bible on DVD which will play on any computer with a DVD drive. This has audio with text. This is FREE for the asking, be sure to include your name and full address (and that you are requesting a KJV Bible on DVD).

Always remember that you are a precious child of the most high living God who loves you and who treasures you above all the gold of the earth and above all the stars of heaven.
And we love you and treasure you as well.

We mail out King James Bibles and my book: IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE and the CD titled THE WARNING, to anyone who asks for free.
If the Holy Spirit puts it in your heart to help support this ministry, click the link below or write to: Tony Lamb, P.O. Box 41, Dardanelle, AR 72834


To order your copy of my new book: 'THE TRIBULATION click here:

To order your copy of: 'IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE' click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1695677153

To order a copy of: 'GOD SHOWED ME THE FUTURE' click here:

We refuse to attend an apostate church that lies and reads and teaches a false gospel from books that are not the word of God, and are NOT Holy. (which is found ONLY in the KJV Bible or the 1611 KJV Bible) BUT are in fact written by men & women (who are themselves in sin) and are not inspired by God.

This is why we use ONLY the KJV Bible, Please Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sqoBX86nv0

See my videos on youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/c/TonyLambWatchman
Or see my videos at: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/tonylamb
Or on Rumble at: https://rumble.com/user/TonyLambWatchman

Thank you for your love, support and your prayers for this Last Days Ministry for God.
You are 'NOT a Partner' in this ministry, 'YOU ARE FAMILY'!

* Hear the: 'THE WARNING' free here at: https://www.bitchute.com/video/x5BHey9YyEUd/

Please email me AT: watchmensreport(at)gmail(dot)com or write to: Tony Lamb, POB 41, Dardanelle, AR 72834
To request prayer, a free Bible or a free book:

Now is NOT the time to follow a preacher, teacher, prophet, a church or even a religion (NOT EVEN ME) But to follow the only one true living God, the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, THAT GOD and His word in your KJV Bible.
God Bless you, Watchman Tony Lamb

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