The September 11 Attacks - Mark Molesworth's footage (editor's cut)

7 months ago

This video contains the files « Molesworth Clip 1.avi » to « Molesworth Clip 12.avi », as well as portions of « 163-WTCI-67-FEMA.mp4 » and « 165-WTCI-94-FEMA.mp4 », which have been released to the public by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Videographer: Mark Molesworth
Locations: Church Street & Canal Street, Manhattan, NY
Time: Approx 08h50 a.m. - 09h10/09h15 a.m. EDT, September 11, 2001.

»» 00:11 »» Shot 1 starts after 08h50 a.m. EDT;
»» 02:20 »» Shot 3 starts @ 08h56:57 a.m. EDT, at least two survivors directly in the impact zone;
»» 02:25 »» "The waiving woman" on the 94th floor is waiving with her right arm;
»» 02:58 »» Another survivor, possibly male, is waving with the left arm;
»» 06:29 »» Shot 4 starts @ 09h02:28 a.m. EDT;
»» 07:01 »» South Tower (WTC 2) got hit @ 09h03:00 a.m. EDT (view blocked by a truck);
»» 07:05 »» Impact & fireball (explosion) audible, ejected debris visible for a split second.

Mark Molesworth is an independent, award-winning cinematographer and photographer from New York with more than 30 years of TV and film experience. Even though trucks are frequently blocking the view, he might not have been able to find any better vantage point so quickly during the early stage of the events.
The famous "waiving woman" is believed to be Edna Cintron. She miraculously survived the impact, when the left engine missed her by a few inches, survived also the fireball, and was then trapped at her position. Yet, there are doubts concerning her identity. The identity of other waiving person is unknown.

I refrain from digital image manipulation. In my opinion, any so-called 'enhancement', as observed in similar video creations elsewhere, is tampering with evidence. I consider this video document as material evidence in the disaster investigation. My objective is to use as much raw footage as ever available for a highly authentic document, and to avoid edited material if possible. I also preserved artifacts 'as is', and the FEMA patches which I used in this video may have encountered earlier compression losses.
However, I adapted all footage to NTSC standard (SD), doubled the frame rate to 59.94 fps (60000/1001), and restored the audio track. Though working with, whenever possible, uncompressed footage, Rumble is using their own encoding service and compression standards.

Local times in EDT have been established in the following way:
Shot 3: After a crosscheck with Cindy Weil's, Andrea Star Reese's, and Richard Peskin's footage;
Shot 4: Based on the speed of sound, the distance of the vantage point from the South Tower, and the indicated air temperature of 69°F (Michael Barbagallo's footage) on Church & Dey Street adjacent to the World Trade Center.

This video has been created for exclusively educational, non-profit purposes. The usage of commercial footage shall be regarded under the conditions of 17 U.S. Code § 17 / 17 U.S. Code § 512 (f) (Fair use).
Dedicated to the lives lost on September 11, 2001, and in the aftermath of that day. May they rest in Peace.
Thank you for taking the time to inform yourself.

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