Episode 71 Part 1 retired Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Tim Schoonmaker

7 months ago

Interview with retired Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent and United States Air Force Pararescue Specialist Tim Schoonmaker

Pararescue Years of Service: 1983-2005
DEA Special Agent: 1992-2017

In this interview, Tim discusses not just his search for excitement but excitement with service. Tim describes what a United States Air Force Pararescue Specialist does and what makes them different from other Special Forces operators. Tim discusses the continuous training needed to be a Pararescue Specialist and some situations he had to be prepared for.

Tim then talks about why he joined the DEA and the beginning of his career. Tim reflects on why the supervisors with the DEA were good and what requirements made a good Special Agent for the DEA.

Part 1 focuses on Tim's time while stationed in the Portland Office and later when he is transferred to the Bolivia Country Office.

0:00 - Intro
04:40 - Why I joined the United States Air Force Pararescue
08:33 - What does USAF Pararescue do?
11:09 - The biggest fear for a PJ is not being up for the task
15:22 - One of the main differences is that PJ's need to be medics
17:29 - Leadership in Pararescue
23:45 - How do you decide to join DEA?
28:28 - My first case
36:59 - What makes a good DEA Agent?
44:23 - Our Group Supervisors were great/we had good leadership[
46:17 - Who was DEA hiring when you got on the job?
47:57 - I got to know Joesph Pistone aka Donnie Brasco at the academy
49:29 - In 2000 I was transferred to Bolivia
53:43 - Working in Bolivia
54:11 - Bolivia had just overhauled their judicial system
54:57 - We had two responsibilities
1:01:04 - The importance of qualified immunity
1:11:35 - The US Ambassador Victor Manuel Rocha was caught spying for Cuba

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