The Land And Sea

2 months ago

Understand This Clearly. All Their "Law" Of Any Shade. Is Nothing More Than Some Corrupted Despot's Writing Down On Pieces Of Parchment or Paper Their Edicts Of Opinion. No Man Rules Over Another Without Force. And If Your Opinion Has To Be Enforced. Then It Is Not Of Natural Origin. Thus Is Null & Void In Standing On It's Own. Real Men Only Agree To Natural Law. Natural Consequences. Otherwise You Are But A Slave To Another Mans Opinion.
So By This Standard Is Where I Stand. I Don't Believe In Their Opinion Or It's Standing To Rule Over Me. They Would Label me An Outlaw And an Anarchist.
i Label me Free. Free Of Mind, Body & Soul. I Am Not Beholden or Indebted To Any Man In The Earth.
This Position Is Where All Of You Need To Be. If You Want To Truly Be Free.
Unburden Yourself From The Controllers Opinion.
(this doesn't mean that they wont send men with guns to try)
If They Can't Control You, They Will See You To Die.
just ask the people of Palestine.
"Give Me Freedom Or Give Me Death". Cried A Man.
"Off With His Head" Said Another..

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