Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp's S.O.S. had big laugh at Trump's expense - August 4, 2024

5 months ago

#BradRaffensperger, the #Georgia Secretary of State, had a big laugh with Joe and Jill #Biden at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner (#WHCD) on Saturday, April 3, 2023. Two years earlier #PresidentTrump was on a phone call with about a dozen other people on both sides of a 1-hour call when he called #Georgia's Governor #BrianKemp's SOS to ask him to "find" 11,000+ votes after hearing election workers had pulled out boxes of counterfeit ballots after saying they had a toilet leak and sent the poll-watchers out of the room. Trump wanted an audit because it was a close election and Governor Kemp refused? Why? Trump endorsed him when he was down in the polls when Kemp first ran. Why the back-stabbing betrayal? Did Gov. Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State #BradRaffensperger rig their own elections too, and THAT was the reason? Then they had Trump and several of his supporters indicted for interfering in the election, ruining good people's lives, those who couldn't afford lawyers fees to fight off felony charges. That was just plain evil! So it's no wonder Donald Trump still has bad feelings for the man.

Here’s the full transcript and audio of the call between Trump and Raffensperger on January 5, 2021,

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