Free Will (Powerful Onision Video)

7 months ago

Onision speaks about free will, and how none of us actually have free will. The concept of "free will" is often pushed by people of apparent privilege.

When you are given numerous advantages in life, you may ask yourself why others aren't as successful or happy as you - the point people like that completely miss is that consequences in life aren't just external, they're internal as well.

If you don't understand what I'm talking about, I encourage you to explore your own mind, and listen to others more. If you live in a world where both your environment and mind create consequences for your every other action, you do not have real choice/actual free will. You are essentially forced to do everything for fear of harm coming to you... "free will is an illusion"

More importantly, if free will were a real thing, consequences would be equal across the board - everyone would be born to the same people, place, financial status, brain chemistry, abilities etc etc.

This world is inherently, quite literally, the actual definition of "unfair" to everyone who exists within it. I say again: Everyone

#philosophy #reasoning #logic #discussion #ideas

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