UK Riots - (see description)

5 months ago

The satanic El'ite refer to us as "useless eaters" and "expendable containers". For 9 years people like myself have tried to wake people up, they never listened. In 2020 the UK Government and their mockingbird media that is a part of the deep-state shadow-government embarked on an attempt of installing COMMUNISM, in lock-step with every other government that allowed themselves to be seduced by the zionist-nazis in the World Economic Forum. Like all invasions of communists, it starts off by rotting society from the inside.... in schools, colleges, universities; pornography, feminism, pedophilia, the targeting of white males (the main fighting force), the introduction of bullshit Critical Race Theory (fed by marxists) into the minds of the young, then the Trans trojan horse. Both BLM and the extra letters of LGBT were the two Trojan Horses to "destroy the nuclear family", anyone with one brain cell should know that this is part of the communist playbook. Communism creeps up very very very slowly over decades and then it pounces. The Covid hoax was indeed a hoax, peddled by the mockingbird khazarian mafia controlled media; the objective was lockdowns to demoralise, then the "vaccine". The 1994 World Population summit in Cairo (the video is on my channel) told of their plan to depopulate down to 700 Million by "various means". The Georgia Guidestones, built in 1980, destroyed in 2022 clearly stated on the top line to depopulate down to 500 Million. The covid virus hoax was a Rockefeller dream, Aaron Russo explains this (that video is also on my channel)....the sheep will demand and run for the "vaccine". The media, who loved reporting fake covid deaths in 2020 have since 2021 refused to report on the deaths from the "vaccine",; it was a genetic bioweapon and we were telling you this since the summer of 2020, MONTHS BEFORE the jab rollout. Famine also follows genocide, just study the Bolshevik Revolution. 95% of the Bolsheviks were Khazarian Jews, FALSE JEWS. The Khazars renamed themselves years ago to Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews (FALSE Jews). The Nazis came from the Ashkenazim, the Rothschilds are Ashkenazi-Khazars. Nazi means National-ZIonism, this is why the Zionists and Nazis and Bolsheviks are paganistic satanists with a blood lust and pedophilia is rife.

The rioters are indeed fools, the UK Government are using paid agitators to start the riots, just like how the deep-state overthrew many foreign governments in order to install private western central banks. Both sides therefore fight, and we lose more freedoms. To get true freedom the people all over the world must UNITE and wake the fuck up to the common enemy that lurks behind the green curtain. KNOWLEDGE is POWER. The UK Government are like a cornered wild animal, it is petrified and the dumbs Police who are controlled by satanic Zionist Freemasons are desperate to stop the people finding out about the child trafficking, pedophilia, organ harvesting, warmongering, satanic ritual abuse and so on that the UK Government, Police, Judges, Doctors, Freemasons are engaged in.

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