Humans Sin meets God's Wrath (pt. 2)

7 months ago

Paul continues in the letter to the Romans as he points to the number of sins quite honestly God hates. Paul reminds us that if we continue to willingly live in these sins God will let us live there with debased minds. This willingness to live in sin will lead to a second death. But the true believer will only die once (a physical death). God promises the true believers that we will live for eternity in heaven. Remember we all die a physical death. It is that second death that one will regret as the consequences of the second death are separation from God for eternity.

The people Paul addresses in his letter know God. As a matter of fact Paul tells us that we all know God through His creation. That we should reverence God the creator and not what God has created. Paul goes on to say that they know God but yet they still reject Him. What we should all learn is that there is no gray area when it comes to God and sin. You either want to be set free from the sin or you want to stay in your sin. There is no space in the kingdom of heaven where you can be set free partially from sin and believe that God will be okay with this position that you take.

Living in sin has dire consequences to ourselves, our families and society. What Paul means by consequences is that God will leave you with the inability to make rational decisions or to think clearly about moral issues. Today, we are experiencing this clear rejection of God at every level of government, corporate leadership and in society.

Unfortunately, this behavior is not new as it has been practiced throughout the generations and yes, even in the first century. The Roman Empire was entrenched with this type of behavior to the point of acceptance. This behavior was condoned at every level and at some degree expected. If you were a young slave boy you were highly subjected to immoral acts against you with the expectation that you will continue as long as you are required.

As true believers God gives us discernment to see this type of behavior not only in our country but across the globe as exhibited in the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics. As true believers we should not condone this type of behavior or accept it. Paul reminds us that we are just as guilty of the behavior through accepting it as we would be if we were in the midst of performing the acts ourselves.

Our relationship with God will carry us through the trials we experience in everyday life. As we grow closer to God through His Son Jesus Christ, our bond with Him will enable us to get through some of the darkest days we will ever experience. Knowing that God has our backs and will protect us from the evil one gives us hope and joy knowing that no matter what happens in this world, God is with us. He will remind us that “He who is in me, is greater than he who is in the world”.

My prayer for each one of us is that we would recognize the true King of kings and the true Lord of lords. That we put all of our faith and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ knowing that He has secured our place in our mansion in the kingdom of heaven. I pray that we reverence the one true God and that our faith will never fail, that we are light and salt to the world. But, that our lamps will never grow dim and our desire to serve the living God will continue for the rest of our days. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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