Fairbank Arizona Restored Schoolhouse and Museum Part 01

6 months ago

This school house was a replacement for the original wooden school that burned down in 1920. The school only went up to grade 6, beyond that you had to go to school in Tucson. In 1944 there was a teacher shortage, as the women went to the cities to work on the war effort and make more money. At that point, many of the smaller schools were consolidated to make up for the shortage.

The school house was used as a community gathering place until the town became a ghost town around in the early 1980s.

Here are some useful links, loaded with details, pictures and information. Please visit these sites, or do your own research, as I can't add much to what they already put together:

This is a really good site for all things Tombstone, this guy has put the work in:


Tombstone Travel Tips:


This is a great site about mining in general:

Western Mining History: https://westernmininghistory.com/

These sites are all about abandoned railroads, really interesting:

Abandoned Rails: http://www.abandonedrails.com/

Forgotten Railways, Roads & Places: https://www.frrandp.com/p/the-map.html

These guys do tours, hikes etc to ghost towns on the San Pedro river area:

Friends of the san pedro river: http://sanpedroriver.org/wpfspr/

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