1THESS 4 & 2THESS 2 ' LOVELY PEOPLE'S RAPTURE THEORY ' Ep#590 #truthsofbible

6 months ago

#truth #biblestudy #rapture When people use the Bible as a random book of quotes anything can happen even rapture theory's.
We pray for the whole human family especially those suffering from delusions of grandeur.
You are not alone in your spiritual awakening. In this video here are some things to expect along with comforting instruction.
The English Bible is not the Words of God, it is the words of a translator.
The English argument of the Bible is pointless.
This is your chapter by chapter verse by verse Bible study from the original language Manuscripts, translated through the lexicons and out from any English version Bible you prefer.
#truth #power #thessalonians
The Bible contains its own glossary embedded by GOD for our understanding and interpretation.
Is there anything more important than where you go when you die?
Obviously not.
God's word was not written for peoples convenience. It was written for our correction.
God gave us a set of institutional standards to govern ourselves by to get back into harmony with His universe.
Take it of leave it, that is your freewill choice.
We are to take care of those that deliver GOD's Word.
These broadcasts depend on your provisions.
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GOD expects you to donate something that you cherish to prove you are not coveting.
GOD bless you.

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