The Dark Tower

7 months ago

Some of you do rather well in your development.
Others, not so much.

In any case, The Dark Tower is kind of a chore, so, here's this. It was originally the second half of a sabbath recording, but, I didn't say anything I haven't before.
Just sit down and have fun, dammit!

I have no home internet because it got too expensive, so, I'll have sporadic uploads at best. Hopefully, this is last on on Stephen King, and hopefully, this is the last one ever. What the hell else more do I have to say?

Tell you what. There's two images of Christ in Revelation, one is angry, blazing, and reaps humans like crops, the other one must be nice all the time, or maybe he's a feminist, or maybe he's a MGTOW, but he's called a false prophet.

None of that ever mattered me. If he's so hated, so shall I be.

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