Divided we fall

7 months ago

In America the attempt to cause civil war. Is not going as well. Thank you to Trump.
But in Europe it is getting bad. It’s that same ol Antifa play book.
I ask myself. Why aren’t those who are that mad. Not outside the homes of the politicians? Why are they not at political buildings?
Instead they hurt local businesses, they force migrants to rise up in defense, they loot and attack everything other than politicians.
Hmmmm logic reveals the truth. Step away from the anger and process what is going on. It’s a trap.
Yes some protesters mean well. But the groups anger is out of focus.
We are actually more United in the USA. Than we have been in a very very long time. We just have to focus on the remaining clowns.
Share hope, love and compassion.
Save that anger for the true enemies.

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