We are on the Edge of WWIII and a Terror attack WILL DEFINITELY HAPPEN

2 months ago

We are on the precipice of WW3 and as a career intel analyst (retired) in the Pentagon I see our adversaries ready to do something bold before this terrible Biden-Harris Administration leaves office. She snubbed and disrespected our greatest ally in mid-east which prob prompted him to take out two terrorist leaders on his way home. Iran is poised to expand the war and pull us in. Don't forget even the FBI admits there are hundreds of terrorists running lose in our country that have alliegance to at least one or more of Iran's proxy groups like Hamas and Hezboula. Remember they call us the great Satan? They already have their terrorists ready to be activated thanks to our open border and the blood will be on Kamal's hands for that. A MAJOR ATTACK will definitely happen like the FBI director said....not when...It WILL happen. I would imagine that china would take this opportunity to attack Taiwan also while we are distracted (80% of our microchips gone). Brace for shock folks....pray pray pray but most of all vote or our great republic is GONE for good. God bless you and I remain your humble servant.

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