Was Nurse Lucy Letby Setup?

7 months ago

Of course, we have every right to ask questions and reserve the right to be skeptical. Here's why...

The NHS never disclosed this information:-

1. No prior convictions.
2. No red flag warning signals or history of any psychopathic behaviour.
3. Increases in miscarriages/deaths being blamed on (other/1 nurse)?
4. We know infant mortality rates increased post vaccine rollout.
5. MRSA or other undetected pathogens not investigated? Why?
6. In 2016, senior doctors demanded urgent meetings with NHS bosses. Why?
7. Police call was delayed. Why?
8. Her friends and family members were never interviewed yet they insist on her innocence.
9. No investigation or explanation of eight other baby deaths that occurred when Letby wasn't
even present at the time. Why?
10. According to her barrister, Ben Myers KC stated that prosecution experts have "chopped and changed" to make evidence "fit" a theory.

For more information about concerns at the way the Lucy Letby trial was conducted see:



It would be interesting to know how many people here have attended jury service and what they think of it. I do not have faith in the jury system myself due to witnessing a scary lack of critical thinking within the group I encountered and a tendency for the more timid to go along with the more dominant personalities influences. Others for various reasons frankly showed clear indifference, reluctance and impatience towards being involved in the whole process. In the Lucy Letby case my mind boggles at the the sheer scale of medical language and scenarios they were expected to decipher and I would not like to have been in anyone's shoes as a juror for this case, but to imagine the group I encountered dealing with it, is sadly frightening. I wonder if there is a need for juries to be made up of people taken from the medical field somehow to deal with medical cases of such gravity. I don't think we can rely on modern culture to support a big enough or clear enough sense of right and wrong anymore sadly and the prevalent encompassing of moral relativity within our education system and all our institutions now has just resulted in people conforming to groupthink that the Machievellian media use very effectively to control the minds of the general population for and on behalf of shareholders and other corrupt corporate entities serving the elite.

Courtesy - Professor Norman Fenton.

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