Chinese marines filmed using bird-like drones

6 months ago

Birds aren’t real confirmed. If you have ever looked up at the sky, seen a bird and thought ‘what the hell is that thing? The government must be spying on me again,’ well, good news, it turns out you don’t have to go and live in an insane asylum. The Chinese military has broken new ground (well, broken new air) in the field of government surveillance drones that look like birds, and have invented government surveillance drones that look like birds. Indistinguishable, in fact.

Unlike previous government surveillance devices disguised as birds, these birds flap their wings realistically, fly around in realistic patterns, and realistically listen in on your anti-government rhetoric. They are fitted with complex flight control systems, sophisticated flapping servos, and of course, cutting edge government surveillance devices with wireless communications to broadcast your every movement back to your government overlords. The operation, codenamed ‘Pigeon,’ began in 2018, and has since been working on reducing the size of the drones down from comically oversized eagles to nimble sparrows, which allows them to completely blend into any environment, especially in urban areas.

You might ask, if those drones are so secret, how do we know about them? Let’s just say a little bird told us…

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