Tinderbox Energies - UK Calling for Calm

7 months ago

Impromptu video at Archangel Metatron's request - no prep just a raw and real time response recorded in light of todays violent unrest in UK - many of the issues are relevant to other countries.
Looking at likely response by the PM, and the importance of HOPE in the collective.
Dark days for the UK but hold the faith and come together as one - let us light a candle for PEACE.
Remember we all belong to each other.
Ends with a prayer. Features importance of amethyst right now as a crystal healer.

Poem from The We'Moon Diary
Debra Hall Waxing Quarter

Hope Positive Mindset Aura Spray https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.uk/collections/individual-sprays/products/olive-hope

Sapphire Peace & Reconciliation Aura Spray

Amanda x

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