Swedish Ambassador to Qatar Visited HaythamXR Expo2023 Booth

7 months ago

سعى فخامة السفير غوتام باتاشاريا، سفير السويد في قطر، لتكريم جناحنا “Get Immersed with Nature” بحضوره الكريم وتجربة تقنياتنا المتقدمة للواقع الافتراضي والواقع المعزز. عبّر فخامته عن إعجابه العميق بجودتها العالية وواقعيتها، مشيدًا بإمكانياتها الهائلة في مجال التعليم والتدريب وأكثر. كما أكد فخامته متابعته للتطورات المستقبلية. نعبر عن امتناننا وتقديرنا لفخامته على كرم زيارته وعباراته المفيدة.

His Excellency Ambassador Gautam Bhattacharyya, Ambassador of Sweden 🇸🇪 to Qatar 🇶🇦 , graciously honored our booth, “Get Immersed with Nature,” with his esteemed presence, experiencing our cutting-edge virtual reality and augmented reality technologies. His Excellency expressed profound admiration for their high quality and realism, lauding their immense potential in education, training, and beyond. He also affirmed his interest in following future developments. We extend our sincere gratitude to His Excellency for the generosity of his visit and insightful words.

#haythamxr #xr #technology #vr #expo2023
#VirtualRealityTech #InnovativeEducation
#environment #stem ##mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #qatar #expo2023 #expo #doha

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