Season 3 Episode 1: TRUE and Righteous is HE Who Has Judged the GREAT HARLOT Who Corrupted the Earth

6 months ago

Originally aired 8/3/24. Friends, as we’ve been talking about, these are certainly the days of Deception and Debauchery. It seems no one is able, or willing to collaborate and turn the world away from this headlong plunge into perdition.

The Olympics are just one overt example of how Satan has captured the world culture into His dark, worship of demons, and corrupted all sense of light and right in society.

We can see that the western world is wholly given to the Doctrines of Demons that Paul warned of in 1 Tim 4.

Deception is getting HARDER to DISCERN.

There have been many reports of deleted information, deleted records, deleted media documentation, more censorship and suppressed searches on Google and other platforms about things that just DAYS AGO we had access to…

There’s deception and suppression about every topic all used to manipulate opinions, stir up emotions, and to divide and conquer us.

The Prince of the Power of the air is FLOODING the earth with deceptions, and it is getting hard to find the truth or find anyone who is able to protect it.
Remember Isaiah 59.

Satan is building his global Antichrist system by destroying the foundations of TRUTH, and installing those Human Agents who have pledged their allegiance to WORSHIP HIM.

The Bible warns that as the time of the end approaches, Satan’s power to captivate and ensnare the world will increase, and people will BELIEVE THE LIES because they REJECT the Love of the TRUTH.

I want to play part of a recent interview with Former Congresswoman, Michelle Bachmann, who makes a strong case for Christians to MAKE THE MOST of the time and opportunities God has given us to SPEAK the TRUTH and give others a chance to KNOW Him.

It is getting harder for most people to have discernment concerning this age, and to SEPARATE from the power of darkness engulfing the world. But as BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS, we are called OUT of the WORLD, and to WALK in the LIGHT—to stand out for the Glory of God as an example of TRUTH in FAITH, because our REWARD is waiting for us, and time is short.

We begin Revelation chapter 19 as the Lamb prepares to RETURN to the EARTH and Take Back his inheritance by marrying His bride, the church, which has been present with Him in heaven watching all these things in anticipation.

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה
Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי


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