True Stories from Those Who Know What's on The Dark Side of The Moon

5 months ago

Shocking claims from astronauts, whistleblowers, and classified documents suggest there's more to the story. Eerie sounds, inexplicable sightings, and covert missions point to something astounding hidden from public view.

PS... Harvard released a paper called "The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena." The Why Files is cited as a source (pg 14, pg 39)

But the paper has suddenly disappeared...though we saved you a copy:

The Why Files

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The term "dark side of the moon" is often used to describe the side of the moon that is not visible from Earth. However,
'The Science' tells us that the moon is tidally locked with the Earth, which means it rotates on its axis at the same rate that it orbits the Earth. As a result, we always see the same side of the moon from our vantage point on Earth. The other side, the so-called "dark side", is hidden from our view. Does anyone actually believe that?

'The Science' tells us that the dark side of the moon has been explored by various space agencies, including those of the United States, Russia, and China. If that were true, I do wonder why we have never even so much as seen live video from those missions. Most people of clear mind would still doubt that the video images were real but at least 'they' would have attempted to fool us. So far, they have not even attempted to convince us that any rover has actually been there.

Goobeldy-Gock from Online Sources

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I asked Bing CoPilot to direct me to the live footage taken from the Dark Side of The Moon. I then got this very nice little reply from CoPilot:

There are several sources where you can find video footage related to the far side of the moon:

1. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has captured data that makes it possible to recreate the astronauts views in a stunning video. This breathtaking footage reveals the mysterious 'dark side' of the Moon in 4K resolution. [a recreation?]

2. NASA has also released a rare video of the far side of the moon, captured by one of the two GRAIL probes that were orbiting the moon to map its gravitational field.

Please note that these videos may not be live footage, as live streaming from the moon is not currently technically feasible due to the significant distance and technological limitations. However, these videos provide a detailed and up-close view of the far side of the moon. [Live Streaming is NOT currently technically feasible but astronauts allegedly talking directly from the Moon to Earth is. Huh, learn something new everyday.]

As for the term "Dark Side of the Moon", it's also widely known as the title of a famous album by the English rock band Pink Floyd. There are several live performances of this album available on various platforms. These performances, while not related to lunar exploration, are a significant part of music history.

NASA video shows dark side of the moon

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