Two Men Plead Guilty to Acting as Illegal Agents of the PRC Government and Bribery

7 months ago

08/02/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776: Two men plead guilty to acting as illegal agents of the PRC government and bribing an IRS agent. The CCP’s overseas network has two types of informants to steal information and conduct bribery: Those without direct contact to MSS and only reporting to their overseas contacts and those sent directly by the CCP.
#CCPAgent #CooperativeContact #Bribery
08/02/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:两名男子承认充当中共国政府的非法代理人和贿赂国税局官员。中共的海外网络有两种类型的线人来窃取信息和进行贿赂:一种是与国安部没有直接联系,只向海外联系人汇报的线人;另一种是中共直接派遣的线人。
#中共特工 #合作联系人 #贿赂

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