The LORD He Is God – Deut. 4:25-49

7 months ago

It is both amusing and saddening to hear atheists defend their beliefs by pointing to the world around them as evidence that there is no God. A common complaint is that God can't be real because there is so much suffering in the world. But here's the thing: denying God's existence and/or character based on the circumstances of the world is to assume that God, if he did exist, would think like us. His value system would be just like ours. And because we wouldn't allow so much suffering, the fact that it exists proves God does not. That's the thinking, but it's wrong.

God is not like us. He's not even close. His thoughts do not line up with ours; they never will. The LORD is God. He is the only true and living God, and all humanity will find him to be true one way or another. For those of us who believe in, and know the God of Abraham, understanding him isn't the point. It's not possible anyway. The point is to believe him, then love and serve him even when we don't understand.

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