China’s BRI: Reshaping the Global Economic Order? Conversation w/Dr. Da-Hsuan Feng & Dr. Yan Liang

1 month ago

The objective of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is to connect countries in Central, South, and Southeast Asia with China. An estimated $1T has been poured into energy and transport projects, including power plants and railways. How will BRI shape the global economic order? What are the geopolitical impacts?
Join me live for this fascinating panel discussion with two scholars who possess depth and understanding about this topic…

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Dr. Da Hsuan Feng’s Bio:
Da Hsuan Feng, who was born in New Delhi and grew up in Singapore, is currently the Chairman of the International Advisory Board and Honorary Dean of the Belt and Road Research Institute of Hainan University and the Chief Advisor of China Silk iValley Research Institute. He is also the Academic Advisor of Center for China Globalization (CCG).

He completed his B.A from Drew University and received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Minnesota (1972). Throughout his career, he had held the position of the M. Russell Wehr Chair Professor of Drexel University, the United States National Science Foundation Program Director in Theoretical Physics and the Vice President for Research at the University of Texas at Dallas, the Senior Vice President of National Cheng Kung University, National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, and Special Advisor to the Rector and Director of Global Strategies of Macau University, respectively.

Feng is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and is the honorary/adjunct professor of fifteen Chinese universities which included Peking Union Medical College, Fudan University, Jilin University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Northeast University and Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Applied Physics. In 2009, Feng was the Bian-Zhong laureate for individuals with outstanding contributions to Hubei Province 2009 年度湖北省编钟奖. He is also the 2017 recipient of the “The Light of Civilization, the 2017 Chinese Cultural Exchange Award 文明之光·2017 中国文化交流年度人物.”

Feng is an honorary Board of Trustee of Nanjing University, a former member of the Board of Trustees of Shantou University (2006-2015) and the Academic Advisory Board member of Universiti Teknologi Petronas of Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan of Malaysia, Southern University of Malaysia, Asia University of Taiwan and Binus University of Indonesia.

Feng is also a frequent author or co-author of editorials of major newspaper in East Asia, in Chinese and English. This includes China Daily, Global Times, UK’s Financial Times Chinese Edition, and South China Morning Post of HK, Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore. He is the author of three books, “Edu-Renaissance: Notes from a globetrotter higher educator,” “Belt and Road Initiative: Chinese Version of “Marshall Plan,” and “China Millennium Transformation, the Belt and Road Initiative,” all published by Singapore’s World Scientific Publication Corporation.

Link to Dr. Da Hsuan Feng’s books:

Dr. Yan Liang's Bio:
Yan Liang is Peter C and Bonnie S Kremer Chair Professor of Economics at Willamette University. She is also a Research Associate at the Levy Economics Institute and a Research Scholar of the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity. Yan specializes in MMT, Economic Development, International Economics, and the Political Economy of China. Yan publishes in various leading heterodox journals and contributes to a number of heterodox books.

Yan received several grants from the Institute for New Economic Thinking, the Luce Foundation, and the Chinese Ministry of Education. Yan is a regular commentator on the China Global TV Network, Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance, the Diplomat Magazine, the East Asia Form, China Social Sciences Today, among others. Yan is an elected board member of the Association for Evolutionary Economics and immediate past president of Association for Institutional Thought.
She currently serves as guest editor for the Chinese Economy.

Follow Prof. Yan on X: @YanLian31677392
Link to Prof. Yan Liang's Interview with Adj. Prof. Warwick Powell:

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