Trump Or Our Lives: Former GOP Comms Director Tells MSNBC Election A Life Or Death Choice For Women

1 month ago

Posted • August 3, 2024: Just three weeks after Trump was nearly assassinated, and after years of Leftist rhetoric comparing him to Hitler, Mussolini, and a threat to civilization, we're glad to see they've toned down the insane rhetoric. Oh, wait, no. They haven't. Former GOP communications director Tara Setmayer went on MSNBC and said if Trump is elected, women will basically die. Tara Setmayer says on MSNBC "women voters are looking at this election as a life or death choice. The binary choice is democracy or trump and for women, it's our lives or Trump." How subtle. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'Trump or Our Lives': Former GOP Comms Director Tells MSNBC Election a 'Life or Death' Choice for Women
• Related: Twitchy - Politico Sinks to NEW LOW in Comparing Trump to Mussolini Over Assassination Attempt

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