Fed Up British Patriots Clash With Muslim Invaders and British Police Across the United Kingdom 🇬🇧

7 months ago

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This video is a compilation of the top videos of the UK Riots I gathered from Tommy Robinson's Telegram channel on August 3rd. The people in the United Kingdom were out in force on Saturday, August 3, 2024. The Southport Islamic slaughter of 3 girls and stabbing of others at the Taylor Swift dance class seems to be the straw that broke the camels back. They media and the police and of course the left are still covering it up saying he is Britain born as if that means he can't be and wasn't a Muslim. No one else stabs little children like this but Muslims.

We've seen these maniacs operate time and time again in this horrific manner across the globe year after year. We won't be lied to. We won't be controlled by the corrupt or by terrorists and if they want to fight, then it will be a fight they won't win.

The people of the UK are fed up and for good reason. Their politicians have betrayed them by ushering in the invasion of their nation, they are stealing their freedoms left and right and have indoctrinated the youth to be a bunch of cross-dressing left-wing nut jobs too. The Communization and Islamization of Europe and more specifically the UK are in full effect. Now, Britain doesn't have a choice but to fight back because they waited too long to fight. Things are going to get worse from here unless the true Brits rise to the occasion and take their government back from the left-wing simps that are sacrificing their nation at the alter of Islam and Communism.

STEVE'S TAKE: England needs to rid itself of all the domestic enemies within and of the foreign enemies that those domestic enemies have let in. That's the only way it will avoid all-out Civil war in the coming months/years.

#NeverSurrender #PatriotsUnite #IslamExposed #SupportUK #AmericanPatriotsforGodandCountry


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Until next time stay American, stay Patriotic, & above all else stay Godly! PEACE! ✌️

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