Introducing Shira Notes and Divine Love Ministry

5 months ago

Hi, my name is Shira notes. I started a ministry called Divine Love Ministry. I have many goals for my ministry; my main goal is to complete my healing program and make it available worldwide. My healing program is called,“The New Earth Healing Program: Aligning with God’s Divine Love, Mastery For the Age of Aquarius. Along with that I intend to have a healing center where my work will be based.
The purpose of the healing center is to be a safe haven for those seeking God and to help all souls live to their fullest potential as co-creators with God. My vision for the healing center is to teach my healing program in groups, and have many holistic practitioners including energy healers, past life regression hypnotherapists and even cuddle therapists. I would like my healing center to be located in Encinitas California, is possible, following in the foot-steps of Paramahansa Yogananda.
What is my healing program all about? This program was received from my Higher Self and is being partially written in collaboration with other Masters, like Jesus. It is a two part book with a workbook. Part 1 is Mastery of Thoughts and Part 2 is Mastery of Emotions. Right now on Earth we are living in times where suffering is at an all-time high, and much of it is caused by our wrong thinking and acting. The goal of the healing program is to learn to love yourself as God loves you and to love all others. The basis for learning God’s Love which I term God’s Divine Love is self awareness of thoughts which cause suffering and realignment of those thoughts and associated emotions with God’s Divine Love.
In order for people to align with God’s Divine Love, I have created the 11 tenets of Divine Love as a standard, for what this love embodies.This program is for all souls: believers in God, atheists and agnostics. I am teaching Divine Love from a spiritual perspective and people from all religious backgrounds will be able to understand the text.
My journey has been very difficult, especially since 2016 when my spiritual awakening took over my life. Dealing with a chronic cough since I was a child, which became worse in my early 30s, I turned to past life regression hypnotherapy to find the answers. Around the same time I was told by a psychic friend that my energy felt like Saint Joan of Arc. Intrigued by this assertion, I asked God to confirm that I was in fact her. When I received confirmation, I felt like I knew my soul for the first time and completely understood my purpose on Earth. I worked with several past life regression hypnotherapists to heal from the trauma of having suffocated to death in a fire, which turned out to be a big contributing factor to the chronic cough.
After my first past life regression hypnotherapy session I became instantly telepathic and went through some emergency training with Archangel Michael to understand all of the voices I was hearing. Telepathy training is also a part of my healing program. At this time I began channeling my Higher Self and writing in a way I never had before. Eventually, I figured out that these writings would become The New Earth Healing Program.
Over time my Higher Self told me about two more of my past lives: Queen Cleopatra the 7th and Plato. All of my incarnations have had similar themes such as bringing justice to a nation, teaching truth and equality, and bringing a higher level of knowledge to the world. I am the embodiment of a powerful female warrior and the female Christ. In the higher realms I am know as a Master.

I am gay, which means I was born attracted to the same sex. This identity is a big part of my mission and what I am here to teach. Accepting homosexuality will be a big lesson in the fourth dimension. I’m currently working with a friend to start a movement aimed at helping all gay people to love and accept themselves.
That being said, my mission is to help all willing souls ascend to the next level of consciousness known as the fourth density or dimension. Many are simultaneously calling this the fifth dimension, which is an even higher level of Divine Love. As we evolve, we grow in God’s Divine Love, and hidden in this love is the wisdom and power we need to thrive. I intend to achieve my mission largely through teaching my healing program and acting as an example of God’s Divine Love as did Jesus the Christ.
In the fourth dimension, things will be very different. There are two paths, one being negative, the path of AI, cyborgs and continued violence and one being positive, the path of ascension and spiritual enlightenment. Thankfully our planet is on the positive 4th dimension path. This means that once we fully transition, we will not be dealing with evil any longer and we can begin healing on the mental, emotional and physical levels of our being. There will be no more greed induced wars or violence, unless absolutely necessary to save lives. In other words, we will no longer have the desire to fight or kill other human beings.
In the near future, we will have access to advanced technologies, such as what we usually call UFOs, high-speed trains that use electromagnetic systems and advanced medical technologies. Our spiritual gifts will continue to be activated such as telepathy, empathy and third eye vision. More people will be able to have direct contact with the Ascended Masters that they worship, whether Krishna, Buddah, Jesus or others.
While I am a champion for all souls, as a single gay person I experience intense loneliness. I wish to comfort the lonely and especially the lonely gay people. Therefore I offer a loneliness support line as part of my ministry. You can reach this line by dialing 619-786-1951.
I have been through hell many times in this world and frankly I’m over it. I’m ready to create heaven on earth. It’s up to each and every one of us to choose a higher love: the Divine Love of God. Can we do it?

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