CNN Host Explains Why These Black Men Are Likely 'Low Info Voters' For Their Opinion Of Kamala

2 months ago

Posted • August 3, 2024: The media's attempts to help carry Joe Biden across the finish line ceased a few weeks ago, then they took a short breather and now they're trying to help carry Kamala Harris across the finish line. The lib media is currently engaged in spinning presidential debate stories to favor the Democrat candidate, but there are other issues for which they need to run cover for Kamala Harris. CNN is, as always, up to that challenge. This clip has it all, including a desired narrative backfire combined with a white host insulting some black men because they don't share the "correct" opinion. Black guys at Harrisburg barbershop tell local CBS reporter that Kamala Harris isn’t really black: “To me, no.” -- That got awkward and then condescending really fast. “Is Kamala Black yes or no?” -- “To me, no.” -- CNN was NOT expecting that. 😂😂😂 No they weren't, and it showed when CNN went back to the host at the end of the clip.

The cherry on top of this particular "journalism" sundae was after the clip when the white CNN host explained why the black men in that story were likely "low information voters": Black guys at a barbershop don't think Kamala is black. But listen to the what the racist on CNN says at the end 😳 Among the many hilarious parts of this CNN video is that, after the Black men explain their views on Kamala and race, the White Man of Authority calls them stupid, and says that's not how the majority of black people think, which he knows because his black friends told him so. That's pretty much the media version of "if you don't think the same way we want you to about Kamala Harris then you ain't black!" -- Lol! The white guy is pissed because the black people aren't acting right: “I heard she was half black/half Asian” -- “YOU DUMB LOW INFORMATION VOTER!!!!!!” Those are the same people who want everybody else to believe that Trump is the racist.

Twitchy: CNN Host Explains Why These Black Men Are Likely 'Low Info Voters' for Their Opinion of Kamala Harris
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