The Fall Of The Cabal

2 months ago

This is the most informative film regarding the facts about the Cabal (New World Order). It includes 20 plus years of research. I believe it will be used in the future to teach the evil plans by the Cabal to genocide and enslave the world. Be warned that parts of this video are extremely horrific and may cause cognitive dissonance. However, it is extremely important that you know these facts in order to help those who are currently in denial, who will soon be shown these truths. These facts are currently being shown to the world via the Epstein documents. More and more evidence will be revealed in 2024. What these demonic beasts have done is unbelievable, but we have to see their evil deeds so that we will never allow it to happen again. These nefarious actions done by the Cabal have been happening for centuries (research the Kazarian Mafia) and will unite humanity worldwide when exposure proves what they have done to our children. This film has been produced to bring darkness into the light. God save the children.

Those who know cannot sleep.
Those who know cannot find peace.
Those who know will not rest until those responsible will be held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.

If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work. We make these documentaries without being paid, so please be generous in your donations! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible.
Sadly, Janet has passed away. I'm not sure there will be additional parts to the Sequel. "With the deepest sadness in my heart I have to deliver this message. Janet gave the world an immense gift by creating The Fall of the Cabal. She will never be forgotten. With love, Cyntha KoeterIf"
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