Toxic Trans-gender, Pride Rages in North Vancouver

6 months ago

The Community of North Vancouver is a toxic cesspool of bias radical feminism, paid Antifa and blatant misandry. Obnoxious bad actors are hired to quell the public outrage regarding the sick indoctrination of children that publicly grooms and indoctrinates children into a perverted gay lifestyle. Antifa like thugs are unleashed like dogs to demonize and silence anyone that opposes their illegal trans-children's agenda that promotes dangerous transgender augmentation, gender dysphoria, bodily mutilation, gene-therapy, anal-sex, confusion, and life threating disease and consequence while outraging the majority that retain Christian moral values within the community.

The word Drag is ambiguous, innocent theatre to sexual exhibition with children in attendance. We already have boundaries and clear law in place that protect children from harm. These laws are deliberately being ignored by the State. Instead, we are being distracted by the dancing bimbos in beards on the stage and being made to hate them when we should be aiming our sights on the Judiciary and State complicit in promoting the perversion of children in every aspect of society. The perverted State is the real enemy of the children, The State is setting the stage for civil war. The enemy is not the man wearing a dress providing he is acting within the boundaries of the law, he is the scapegoat and distraction from the end game.

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