Star Bytes: Astro Crypto Prediction for the rest of 2024

1 month ago

Welcome to the premiere episode of "STAR BYTES," a special sub-series of "WEALTH FLOW" dedicated to financial astrology analysis and updates in Bitcoin and Crypto. Today, we're thrilled to feature @CryptoAstro (Jack Peterson), a crypto astrology advisor, to explore what the stars have in store for Bitcoin and the broader crypto market for the rest of 2024.


- ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS ON BITCOIN: Jack shares his predictions on the astrological trends that will shape the crypto market for the rest of 2024.

- INTUITION AND INVESTING: Delving into how intuition plays a vital role in crypto investing, decision-making and overall life.

- SELF-IMPROVEMENT & FUTURE VISIONS: discussions on self-improvement and the transformative potential of the Aquarian age. We talk about becoming more community-oriented, self-sufficient, and detached from traditional systems, especially as we evolve with technology.

- Negative Saturn & Pluto Impact: Ended on July 11 (Marks the end of bear market similar to Jan 1-11, 2022, followed by a bull run start)
- Neptune Sextile BTC Jupiter: Direct hit on August 9th (Positive but not a sign of all-time high)
- Pluto Almost Conjunct BTC Jupiter: From August to October (Not a direct hit, impact uncertain)
- Pluto at 29 Degrees Capricorn: September 1st (Intense dissolution of old systems, emotional and mental transformation)
- Jupiter Square BTC Uranus: September 3rd (Slightly bearish)
- Eclipses: Sept 17th and Oct 2nd (More bearish, dates correlate with S&P500 patterns during election years)
- Jupiter Square BTC Saturn: October (Bearish but not a direct hit)
- Scorpio New Moon: November 1st (Pluto direct in Capricorn again, conjunct BTC Jupiter), bullish
- Saturn Sextile BTC Sun: November (Expected to contribute to a strong year-end finish)

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Special Guest: A big thank you to Jack Peterson, aka Crypto Astro Jack, for his enlightening insights today. Follow him on

Video Production: Big shoutout to Alex Gregoriou at Not Another Agency, whose editing magic brings every video on this channel life. Connect with them for amazing work at

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... until next time, #FLOWWEALTHY ✨🫶

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This content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not financial or investment advice. The views expressed here are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of "WEALTH FLOW." Please conduct your own research or consult with a professional before making any investment decisions.

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