Reality with Bruce de Torres 35 Alex Krainer

1 month ago

Reality with Bruce de Torres 35 Alex Krainer

Alex Krainer, market analyst, researcher, trader and hedge fund manager since 1996, is founder of Krainer Analytics, creator of I-System Trend Following, and author of MASTERING UNCERTAINTY IN COMMODITIES TRADING; THE GRAND DECEPTION (only RedPill Press), and ALEX KRAINER’S TREND-FOLLOWING BIBLE. He can be followed at

We discussed:

The Venezuelan presidential election that globalists are trying to reverse by staging a color revolution. So obvious. We saw the same thing years ago there, and in Ukraine and many other places, the same playbook to subvert honest elections and demonize a government as communist or socialist, to frame the conflict as socialism versus capitalism.

It’s not that at all. It’s colonialism versus national sovereignty. In the 90s, before Hugo Chavez, Venezuela faithfully implemented the International Monetary Fund’s capitalist structural reforms, which made the country a “third world s---hole.” 80% were living in poverty. Water from your tap could be green, it could be brown. The economy was a typical colonial arrangement: exporting her natural resources, primarily oil, and importing pretty much everything else, dependent on imports.

Chavez was a reaction by the people against a system imposed on them that was highly dysfunctional, colonialism. This is what the Venezuelan people are fighting today. They have one of the world’s most valuable resources, heavy crude oil. The US interests want to get control over its resources. It’s regime-change by colonial powers against resource-rich nations.

“Free trade” and “globalization” are covers for colonial exploitation; the same thing America rebelled against in the American Revolution. It’s the same fight today. Basically, nothing is being produced domestically by the colonial subjects of the Western empire. The Western powers deliberately like to keep those nations poor, so they don’t prosper and compete with the Western economies. Keeping them in permanent poverty is a deliberate policy.

The US is the key battleground in the ongoing struggle for humanity. It’s a superpower in military, economic and political dimensions, with some viable democracy that is still important, like states rights and electing sheriffs at the local level. Politics really is local, and “I think there’s still some healthy democracy that’s alive and kicking at the local level in the US.” -Alex. This is causing a lot of problems for the globalists and why the US might be moving toward another civil war.

The hidden oligarchic network of vested interests infiltrates a nation and co-opts their economic, diplomatic and military powers so those nations carry water for these imperial interests. For example, the American people must support hundreds, maybe a thousand military bases around the world with no explanation of why this is necessary.

“The oligarchic interests behind empires are always the money-lending interests, the financiers, the global banking networks.” Alex explains how financiers turn the sale of a nation’s resources into financial flows that benefit themselves. The motive is to turn those resources into collateral. US military bases are in resource-rich countries to ensure that American banks and corporations get access to those resources.

“The US is the pivot power for the globalists, for the empire, so long as they control it. The imperial cabal is probably a network of individuals on the axis of Wall Street and the City of London.” They’re happy when people like Biden run the US. They seem scared of Trump. (Will he threaten to close the military bases, start trading with other nations as equal partners, and bring manufacturing back to the US, as Kennedy says he will if he becomes president?)

If the imperial oligarchy sees itself losing control of the US, if it sees that the US could become a partner with Russia, China, India, and the nations of the global south, and develop mutually beneficial trading relations, the US could become a threat to its former colonizer, still headquartered in the City of London. Then they would try to break up the US and turn it into several weak client states they could control by the ancient model of divide-and-conquer, divide-and-rule. (They could do this by burning down trust in our institutions, chaos, violence, attacks on power grids, on the food supply, to destabilize the US and justify its breakup or regionalization. -Bruce)

“If this came to pass, it would be exactly the replay of the first Civil War,” which was not just about the emancipation of slaves. The US, with its growing wealth and strength, was starting to threaten the hegemony of the British Empire, so it decided to cut the US down to size. They started supporting the secessionist movement in the South and encouraged them to provoke conflict with the North, to break the US into two weaker client states that they could pit against each other, to keep the South as a resource exporter, a colony with slave labor.

Most people don’t know that the Union was preserved largely due to Russia’s help. The Czar sent his Pacific fleet to San Francisco and his Baltic fleet to New York to prevent Great Britain and France from helping the South from either Mexico or Canada. (See two books by the late, great Jim Marrs, RULE BY SECRECY and THE RISE OF THE FOURTH REICH. -Bruce)

Alex also discussed the seven countries he has lived in, including the US, and the freedom that people have in other countries and the fear of authority and habit of seeking permission that Americans have.

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