Missouri SOS's Lawfare Against Citizen Activists

6 months ago

Before you vote for Missouri Republican Governor, listen to this podcast. Jay Ashcroft isn't an ally of the Missouri Citizen. He's not interested in your vote or in protecting you. He will use "No One is Above the Law" Lawfare.

Linda Rantz posted a fantastic breakdown of the lawfare in our state against ordinary citizens. She highlights three different examples against three women in our state.


First Scenario: If the Missouri Secretary of State seeks the criminal prosecution of a citizen activist who previously stated in writing to the SOS that she perceived a letter from them to her contained a “thinly veiled threat,” and, if the grounds the SOS is using for criminal charges is based on election complaints from two members of an opposing political party, and , if the total ‘evidence’ collected by the SOS is deficient and/or false, could this be the weaponization of the Secretary of State’s office? What if the charges sought against the citizen activist are the same as a 2022 complaint against a different person, and the Secretary of State determined these similar charges in 2022 were “not an election offense”? (This scenario begins on page 3)

Second Scenario: If the Missouri Secretary of State coordinated with county officials to file a lawsuit against citizens who exercised their rights for open records requests, could this be lawfare by the Secretary of State and other elected officials against citizens? (This scenario synopsis is on page 16)

Third Scenario: If a citizen activist has the courage to research and collect proof of election violations, to carry the burden of taking the fight to the courts, to sacrifice time and treasure for the sake of securing elections, only to learn that the primary gatekeeper blocking this case from getting into court is the chief election officer for the state, could this be lawfare by the Secretary of State? (This scenario synopsis is on page 17)
I interviewed Linda Rantz about this issue here.

I interviewed Sheriff Mike Bonham about the investigation here.

I showed Shane Schoeller (along with the SOS’s office, it is believed) is suppressing free speech here.

He, who shall not be named, using his father’s Ashcr0ft Group to secure Biometric Data to collect data on Missouri citizens.


My interview with Ali Graef is here. She and Linda have put a lot on the line to fight for election integrity; everyone should thank them.



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