New Head EU Diplomat REFUSES To Negotiate w/ Putin! WHAT?!?!? The Jimmy Dore Show

2 months ago
Hey, come see us on tour. We'll be in Chicago, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Duluth, Georgia, right outside of Atlanta, Jacksonville, Florida, Tempe, Arizona, and Burbank, California. Go to for a link for those tickets. Look this, uh, Estonia's Kallis. That's her name. She's a fierce Russian critic. Wow, finally. Finally a fierce Russian critic, for once. She is now the new European Union foreign policy chief. Um, and I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that she is so clumsily and evasively full of shit that I'd say she qualifies to be head of the Secret Service. Wait, and why do I say that? Watch this. So she's their top, she's now the top diplomat, right? So she's now the EU foreign policy chief, and listen to what the European Union's foreign policy chief has to say about negotiating with a nuclear power to end a war. Watch this. To me, it's a question, why talk to him? I mean, why? She means Putin. Why talk to Putin? To me, it's a question, why talk to him? I mean, why? That's a good point. Why should she talk to Putin, seeing as how she's not Ukrainian, and also Ukraine isn't part of the European Union, so it's really none of her fucking business, right? Of course you should, of course you should. Why negotiate with the nuclear power that's winning the war that it's in right now? Why, why negotiate with them? Wait, she's like the new Ursula Milfnes, or whatever the name was they got rid of? To me, it's a question, why talk to him? I mean, why? He's a war criminal. I mean, I'm a lawyer by profession, and I looked up... Yeah, you're all, because you're all war criminals, so now you have something in common. The definition of war crimes and the genocide, for that matter. Whoa, don't get into depth, she's gonna, she looked up the definition of war crimes and genocides. Wow. Hey, remember, Israel is ethnic, ethnic, uh, ending clay, the Azagay. Hello? Okay. He's the willingness to get rid of, you know, a part of the nation or a whole nation. And he has expressed this will, his intention, he has done steps for this, and he's a war criminal. And if you say that, you know, there is no outcome of talking to him, then why talk to him? Because I feel, I don't see into his head, of course, and into Gremlin's walls, but I feel that if everybody's constantly calling him, he doesn't get the message that he's isolated. So if we want to get him the message through that actually you're isolated, don't call him. Hey, plug this shit. Send him a message that I'm not talking to him. Yes, tell him we're not talking to him. If you see him, tell him I'm not talking to him. Why would you talk to him? Because that's how you end wars. You're a lawyer. You just said you're a lawyer. So what this tells you is that a guy like Reid Hoffman made sure she got installed. So a billionaire donor person who makes money off of war, or maybe and sells probably energy, natural gas to Europe, they made sure she got installed in this position because they don't want this war to end. Just remember what Julian Assange told us. The wars are not meant to be won, they're meant to be ongoing. And so they can keep transferring money from the treasuries of governments into the pockets of the war machine and the international security state. That's what this is about. And then you'll beg, Jimmy, for a UBI. That's when you'll beg for a UBI, because they got nothing. So this woman is installed by an oligarchy that's running the western fucking world, and it's run by billionaires. Look at those guys. Imagine them all in red robes, gathered around an owl in a fire, and what the hell they do. Did you hear the craziness she just said? Why talk to a guy who's the head of a nuclear power that's in the middle of winning a war? Wow, he's a war criminal. Every president in my lifetime is a war criminal. Right now Joe Biden is funding a genocide. The definition you just looked up? Would you talk to him? So you know she's just a lying fool. She's clearly another out-of-nowhere figure that was actually shat from some dark anti-universe mirror into this world to bring her completely opposite from rationality or decency take on politics. Was she trained in Israel? It's like in Estonia, so it's like a factory to get more of those left leaders, you know, for the EU. And you want to see how horrible she actually is? So you remember I showed you Colonel McGregor said that the people who want this war in Ukraine, they have this idea in their head. They thought Russia was actually weaker than it was. So right now they're in the middle of splitting up Ukraine and handing it over to BlackRock and Vanguard, which they're doing, and Bill Gates and people like that. They thought they could do the same thing to Russia. That they could break up Russia into smaller parts and then sell it off to Vanguard and BlackRock and all those things. Well, work in America. That's what they thought they could do. And now, that's what Colonel McGregor said. Well, here she's just going to tell you. The EU's new chief. This is from Arnaud Bertrand. The EU's new chief diplomat, who doesn't seem to understand the very concept of diplomacy. Why talk to Putin? Why? He's a war criminal. Well, maybe because that's literally what your job is. Trying to talk to warring parties in order to bring an end to a war that's ruining the union you represent. Because right now the European Union is paying way higher prices for energy than they would be since we blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. And it's killing their economies. But is it weakening Russia, Jimmy? Right. Who's a bigger war criminal? The side that's ready to negotiate an end to the war? Or the side that insists it needs to keep it going without end in sight? No matter how many lives are lost in the process. So that's what her position is. The person who wants to negotiate an end to the war is Putin. So, and by the way, yes, the same goes for... So here's the part I wanted to show you. Here she is, the deranged, virulently Russia-phobic prime minister of Estonia, and the new foreign minister of the European Union. She wants to break up Russia. She just says it. That thing that Colonel McGregor said, that you thought he had inside knowledge? Well now, she's just saying it out loud. I think if you have more like small nations, it's not a bad thing if the big power is actually much smaller. If you would have more like small nations, it's not a bad thing if the big power is actually much smaller. Well, I'm glad Estonia's not bigger, I can tell you that. Well, good thing Estonia's smaller, because look how small it is. It turned you into a moron. I mean, she really is a chick that should have been born and bred to be one of Trump's wives, but for some reason she's in charge of the country. She wants to break up Russia. Hey, they're not the Beatles. So that's her big... And why is that a bad... Why is that a horrible thing? Well, this is an insane thing to say. Not only because it makes winning the war all the more existential for Russia, now Russia has to make sure it crushes. Because if it shows weakness, you guys are going to come and try to break up their country. And by the way, Russia, who as a reminder, have the most nuclear warheads in the world! Also, hypersonic missiles we don't have. And they have hypersonic missiles which we don't have. That we can't stop. But also because it betrays a stunning lack of understanding of geopolitics and history. It would absolutely be a bad thing if Russia were to be broken up, because it's basic common sense that the more divided a geographical region is, the more unstable it actually becomes. It does sound like an ad for Blackrock. So there's a reason why both world wars started in Europe, and why the Middle East is consistently the world's most explosive region. In fact, US officials such as Jack F. Matlock, the last US ambassador to the Soviet Union, are on record saying that one of the United States' objectives at the end of the Cold War was to prevent the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the fact that it eventually did break up was, in his words, a defeat for Western policy. Wow. This is because they understood full well it'd create newfound geopolitical tensions between the new states. And that, of course, proved correct. Wow, sounds like Jack F. Matlock wasn't in on the plan all the way. Sounds like he's only in on the plan where you think America's a country and not Right. a thing for the George H.W. Bush New World Order. He goes out, he finishes his tweet by saying this is also, incidentally, the prime reason why the European Union was created with the support of the United States. Because the more broken up a region is, the more unstable it is. These are the psychopaths. I don't know if I'm allowed to say that. What? On YouTube. I don't think I'm allowed to call people that name. Oligarchs? Oligarchs. I'm not allowed. I don't think I'm allowed. I'm not allowed. I don't think so. I have to retract and announce myself that she's not one. She's just acting like one. How can you be in a leadership position without being at least a secondary psychopath? Right? So here, Lindsey Graham, I just want to remind you the kind of people, the mentality of the people who actually are running things. Here's him saying that Vladimir Putin cannot be allowed to access that money, though Ukraine has trillions of dollars worth of critical minerals in their country. Vladimir Putin cannot be allowed to access that money and those resources because he will share it with China. So this isn't about anything, again, except money and natural resources. Here it is. They're sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in Ukraine. They never brought this up for two and a half years. All of a sudden, oh, now we've got another reason to stay in the war. They're sitting at $10 trillion of natural minerals. So that's what this is about. Just sitting there? Why can't we just do regular business deals? Here we go. They're sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in Ukraine. They could be the richest country. So that's what this conflict's really about. It's not about the Ukrainian people, or their freedom, or Crimea, or the Donbass. That's what this is really about. He's letting them. They're bringing their minerals? That's right. All of Europe. I don't want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China. If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of. That $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China. This is a very big deal, how Ukraine ends. Let's help them win a war we can't afford to lose. Let's find a solution to this war. But they're sitting on a goldmine to give Putin $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals that he will share with China. It's ridiculous. So the weird old lady's right. It's better for every Ukrainian to die in a losing war than to let Russia share minerals with China. Who is this again? J.D. Vance's memo? What does he mean, by the way, give them to Russia? He said, first of all, they're sitting on minerals. I don't want to give them to Russia. Well, they're not your minerals, dude. They're Ukraine's. What do you mean you don't want to give them? Oh, you mean someone's going to steal their shit? And if we don't steal it, we're basically letting Russia steal it? That's what that psychopath is saying. I don't want to give that to Russia by not taking charge of their stuff. So Ukraine already had an economic deal with Russia when Yanukovych was president. That was much more beneficial to the people of Ukraine. So now he's coming to say, we're going to have to do a war, get a bunch of get a million people slaughtered so we can do a deal of economic deal with Ukraine. We're sitting on our minerals, dude. Why are you sitting on our stuff, guys? Hey, come see us on tour. We'll be in Chicago, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Duluth, Georgia, right outside of Atlanta, Jacksonville, Florida, Tempe, Arizona, and Burbank, California. Go to for a link for those tickets.

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