Why Goggins Starts The Day With The Thins He Hates The Most

2 months ago

1- Starting the Day with Intention and Armor

Imagine beginning your day with the one thing you dread the most. For some, it might be a cup of coffee, but for me, it’s a morning run at 5:30 AM. This run isn't just about fitness; it's about armoring my mind and body for the day ahead. The moment you step out of your house or glance at your phone, you're letting in distractions and negativity. That's why I prioritize this ritual, to fortify myself against the chaos of the world. As I run, I'm not just building physical endurance; I'm strengthening my mental resilience. By the time I confront the world, I'm already armored up, ready to face whatever comes my way.

2- Transforming Hate into Power

We all have that one thing we hate doing, but what if embracing it became your daily ritual? For me, it's running at the crack of dawn. This isn't just a fitness routine; it's a mental exercise. The run serves as my daily armor, protecting me from the inevitable chaos of the day. When I wake up and lace up my shoes, I'm preparing myself for battle. The world is full of distractions and negativity, but by starting my day with something challenging, I build the strength to handle anything. The run is my shield, making me ready for whatever comes my way.

3- Morning Armor: Building a Resilient Mindset

How do you start your morning? For me, it's all about facing the thing I despise the most—running. At 5:30 AM, I hit the pavement, not just for physical exercise but to arm myself mentally. The moment you wake up, you're vulnerable to the world's distractions and negativity. My morning run is like donning body armor; it prepares me for the day ahead. As I run, I'm building a fortress of mental strength, ready to withstand the challenges that come my way. By the time I check my phone or step into the world, I'm already equipped to handle whatever life throws at me.

Which part resonates with you? Start your day strong, and armor up for the challenges ahead. Be the leader you're meant to be. FLY STRAIGHT

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