San Diego Comic Con Sex Trafficking, Petition to Save Gaming | CULT-ure WEAK w/Problematic WG

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Come join Problematic White Guy and myself as we look at the cultural news of the week plus more like latest from Ubisoft news, San Diego comic con becomes the center of controversy as 14 arrests are made regarding "sex trafficking" allegations, Outlands, and more!

Tune in at 11am Eastern!

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Now we have Arcade Machine to join us, come say hi!

Playing some of the most triggering games of their time! Come check us out!

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Talk to @ArcadeMachine by spending 100 coins!

!damage - 50,
!awshit - 50,
!noice - 50,
!cry - 50,
!died - 50,
!heretic - 50,
!wtf - 40,
!nice - 30,
!language - 30,
!rero - 80
!MinecraftDied - 50
!respect - 50

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