G14SE/ST6 - Thermal Target Test 4 Dry Ice with Prototype Cooling Bag

4 months ago

This test was for my Mark 1 prototype cooling bag, holding a 10x10x1 block of dry ice. The Mark 1 was converted from an insulated shopping bag, and has a screen-covered hole in the front to permit energy transfer from the target.

Night conditions were about 70F ambient, humid, and wet - it had rained about an hour before, so the thermal background was relatively uniform. Morning conditions were about 70F, very humid, with a thunderstorm overhead and pouring rain. Time lapse between night and morning was approximately 7 hours, and about 40% of the ice remained in the bag.

Even after 7 hours the target was cool enough that even the head section of the target was partially visible. It was also quite visible from 50 meters through a driving rain, so I consider this test a success and will be iterating on the bag design to improve it.

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