Venezuelan Illegal Gets $13,000 Food Stamps & $5,000 Cash Per Month

2 months ago

*Note: This woman provides no proof. So I take this with a grain of salt.
It’s clear our politicians have sold out America. BOTH sides. This woman is acting like it is just one side. Both sides have strings that are being pulled by the global elite.
BOTH sides. It is a circus show. It is a play.
Yes, we may have paid less for things when Trump was in office – but that was the deceptive plan. Trump is just a puppet playing his role just as all the others.
Trump just wants to be top man so he can sell all his sh*t and talk a good game so people believe America is getting better.
Trump said in 2016 – “the best is yet to come.”
Is it better today?
Well, he was president for 4 years and some of the absolute worst sh*t happened to Americans on his watch. He signed EO’s which set us up for destruction. But nobody cares to look into that, they just are mesmerized by his spell, his words, his charisma.
Trump has no power, the only power he will have is the power of his persuasion that good things are happening and interest rates will temporarily go back down and prices will decrease. It’s a plan. Then he will take credit for it.
Trump is just the head spokesman for the Corporation acting like he is the head of the republic.
We have no republic. That is an illusion.
As far as these immigrants receiving high dollars. We need more proof, but I have heard they get up to $6,000 per month, but that is still hearsay.
We are run by a criminal cabal who plans to bring America to its knees. It wouldn’t surprise me if true.
The plan is to treat newcomers better than average citizens and to steal tax money to set up the economy to implode when they push the button here in the near future.
Is Trump talking about the Debt? Is Trump talking about the evil Federal Reserve that is truly responsible for financial pain of about 70% of Americans?
We need to abolish the Federal Reserve.
What is Trump talking about? He praising Larry Fink for making him a fortune and talking about having Jamie Dimon in his cabinet.
Trump doesn’t give one shi*t about the people suffering. He is just powdering his relationships with his elite buddies so he can steal YOUR wealth while pretending he is helping you.
Our country is falling right before our eyes.

Source: Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan --


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END. 8/3/2024 – 6:00 PM

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