Dr. Hazan about treating patients with HCQ and ivermectin

1 month ago

Dr. Sabine Hazan: "It's unbelievable to me that the people that spoke this pandemic were the people and the "experts" were the people that stayed in their basement, like doctor Jha. How many patients did he treat? He was talking from his house. I didn't see him in the hospital touching a patient.
It's a different story when you are on the front line treating patients. You discover things. You don't give hydroxychloroquine with a full stomach. Actually it's better on an empty stomach because it gets into the cells with that and changes the pH pf the cells to alkalinity, so when the virus gets in, it gets killed...
You're not going to give ivermectin on an empty stomach, it gets absorbed better with a fatty meal...
You don't have the luxury on the front line treating 50 patients a day to say: I'm going to hesitate...I was not the nicest physician with these patients. Because if they hesitated and they're like: I don't want to take the Trump drug. I was like: You know what, start digging your grave. It's not my problem....It's a patient doctor relationship. I'm here to save your life and I don't mind being your soldier and your captain...
I had one of my patients who's like a high influential patient...he didn't want to take the hydroxychloroquine for like a week, he was hesitating. And on Wednesday night at 2 o'clock in the morning, he's calling me, he's like: I can't breathe, I'm tight, I'm going to go to the hospital. I'm like: Are you going to take the pill or not? And then within 4 hours he was breathing again and he's like: Oh, my God. I was so scared for a week to take this pill and now I'm breathing again. Do you know how many patients said that to me?
What killed me is like the people that were so anti because they made it political on purpose because the lobbyists are controlling both sides of the politics. What killed me was when the people that I treated would not tell anybody else that hydroxychloroquine work..."

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