Part 41: Satellites & MAC Addresses (2024)

7 months ago

‘How they hook up Human bodies to the internet using 6G, 7G Terahertz frequencies, LEO satellites & Graphene Nanotech in the Covid injection’ - Summary of Presentation (Hope & Tivon; July 2023) * The United Nations plans for linking digital I.D’s to Bank Accounts * ‘How Low Earth Satellites can connect the unconnected’ (WEF) * LEO (Low Earth Orbit) Satellites launched during the Pandemic * Introducing Professors Ian F. Akylidiz & Josep M. Jornet * Novel NeuroWeapons (Professor James Giordano) * Terahertz Band Communication (Professor Akyildiz; 2023) * The internet of Things & Bodies is run on 6G & 7G Terahertz Frequencies’ * ‘The Internet of Nano-Things, Bio-Things, & Space Things’ * The Antenna Case (Akyildiz’ Patent blocked by the CIA) * Graphene Based Plasmonic Nano-Antennas * 4 DARPA Projects bigger than the Internet/Small Satellites, CubeSats, & LEOs (Professor Ian F. Akyildiz) * La Quinta Columna/MAC Addresses * Quantafoil Gold (From Pfizers internal document release) (Karen Kingston) * ‘Electromagnetic Devices’ (Operation Warp Speed Contract) * Lab Mice injected with Luciferase * Comusav ‘BlueTruth’ Documentary (May 2022) (32 minutes)

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